In Human Design there are 5 energy types. GENERATOR Your sacral center is defined. That much is sure. Being a Generator means that you have this amazing motor that can...

In Human Design there are 5 energy types. GENERATOR Your sacral center is defined. That much is sure. Being a Generator means that you have this amazing motor that can...
Helping your child learn how to experience and manage worry. Yup, you read that right. We may want to have our kids be worry free, but it's unrealistic and overall,...
Worry and anxiety stop action. Hello again! I know you are looking for some "how to's" after all the "how not to's" from the last post, so let's get straight to it....
Why worry? Part 1. You know something? I am excited that you are still here with me. You rockstar, you!! Thanks for your encouragement. Right, yes. To business. Kids...
Hello my lovelies! I'm thrilled to see you again so soon! I hope you don't mind the familiarity but think I can be cozy with you now as we've been sharing blogs for a...
Hi there! I'm glad you dropped by. Do you know that feeling where no matter how hard you try, the thing you want to make happen just isn't working? Or maybe the thing...
Hello again! It's great to see you here. Did you find the post about reinforcement (not bribery) to be helpful? I hope so! But wait.. There's more! What about...
Hey! It's great to have you here again. Thank you so much for your continuing interest. Tell me, what's been useful so far? Leave a comment below! Today's topic...
This is for all of us. Every single one of us can identify with not saying what we mean, or at least not defining it. Kids don't come with a manual or a dictionary....
You're still with me? Awesome!!!! Thank you for hanging in there. I appreciate you. Today's topic - communication. What to communicate to your co-parenting counterpart,...
Did she just say that in an outside voice? I may have. I'll bet I got your attention though! Spanking is an emotive, controversial subject for sure. I know. I know. And...
TW: Tough love. This is for those of you in tough-to-handle co-parenting situations. Now, I'm honestly not interested in beating up on divorced or separated parents. I...